My Notebook

Reading absolutely changed my life. More and more, I talk to entrepreneurs who say they’re not really readers. Now—I get it. Been there before. Once I became a reader, though, I began to understand its power. But reading is only powerful if you can retain and apply what you’ve learned.

Well, what if I could help you skip straight to the “retain and apply” part, but with a few additional benefits too?

The Notebook is a simple database of ALL the highlights and personal notes I’ve taken on hundreds of books (and counting). I’m pretty well-read, too, so you’ll discover insights from business, to personal development, to health, to theology and philosophy, and literally everywhere in between.

The best part — you’d be surprised the kind of connections you can make when reading a diverse range of material. One thought sparked as a result of engaging with this material could result in tens of thousands in business this year, a renewed sense of purpose in life, a commitment to your health, or another breakthrough you’ve been looking for. 

With so much material available, it can be hard to keep up. Let me curate the best stuff for you. 

It’s just $59/year to access The Notebook, which is available right here on my website after you purchase.

I read about 50 books per year, highlight anything and everything I think should be remembered, and review and notate 10 new highlights per day. This is a personally curated and searchable well of information, and unlimited access is yours for just $59/year.