Design is for Overcoming Obstacles

People sometimes find it shocking that I’m not personally passionate about design, seeing that the primary source of my income is web design. In fact, if I had to make a guess, design is the area in which I’m the least skilled when it comes to my business, which is...

Why I name things in our business

Compass Calls, Managed Websites, and CREST, oh my! These terms mean very little to most people (virtually everyone), but they are significant pieces of my business and my life. There is a particular art and virtue in naming things. Jason Fried once tweeted: Giving...

Start with Something That Already Works

As a creative entrepreneur, I love bringing a new idea to manifestation from nothing. It’s one of my favorite things about business, opportunity, etc. But you don’t always have to start from scratch. In fact, sometimes you probably shouldn’t. Another way...
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