I love it when my thinking is stretched. It might sound odd, but experiencing conflicting ideas is exciting to me because I know that’s when a new, better idea is about to emerge that not only resolves the tension but creates a flurry of new thinking and...
You’ve heard it said, “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” I think this is true. But it doesn’t tell you enough. I think something like this is more accurate: The destination never comes; what matters is the kind of journey you’re on. I’ve...
There are always copycats. But the last 10 years or so have been a particularly vicious period of time. The “what’s working now” changes so rapidly in this environment that to “catch the wave” you must move fast. But what happens when the wave breaks? A few lucky ones...
Sometimes it’s good to reflect back on why you made a decision, started or stopped doing something, or made some other significant change to the way you do life or business. I thought about this today while my mom was over visiting. I was watching the UFC fights when...
Yesterday was a terrible day. There were 50 mph winds and heavy, heavy rains here, and our basement is prone to flooding during exceptionally bad conditions. Yesterday was one of those days. My basement is not finished in, but my wife’s craft room for her business and...
Being an entrepreneur comes down, in a business sense, to one thing: the ability to maximize leverage. When you have leverage, you can accomplish much more, in less time, more effectively, and usually create something better. Leverage comes in many forms, such as:...