Be willing to suck—bad

If you forced me to distill the business wisdom I’ve learned into 5 words or less, these are the words I would use: Be willing to suck—bad.  There’s a lot packed into those few words.  Be Being is a state of mind. “Being” suggests a way you should act...

Less content, more content

Endless consumption of content can only take you so far. I think it’s good for helping get a grasp on what people think and believe about a domain, but once you’ve taken in a sufficient amount, you need to step back and form some of your own opinions. This is a lesson...

Wait and see

It was an absolute tragedy. They had finally found true love. Their life was about to start. It wasn’t supposed to end. And it didn’t. But it did change dramatically.That’s what happened when Delilah found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. An event—a...

Does work / life balance exist?

Read a few books about intentional living or productivity and you’ll encounter some version of this question. FWIW, my favorite way I’ve heard this framed out is “work/life integration.” Balance is nearly impossible because you will always go through seasons of...

Let God Decide Your Ministry

There are many things I love about Eufola Baptist Church. I could go on and on. But there’s also something about when the Lord directs you to a place that makes it extra special. It was around 2014 that I felt called to preach. At the time, I didn’t know...
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