Why Don’t You Have a Public Portfolio?

It’s quite common for new prospective clients to ask if we have a public portfolio to share with them at NorthMac. This, of course, is understandable. It’s natural that you’d want to know what our work looks like so that you can determine if the work we do is...

Avoiding Scope Creep in Web Design Projects

When you begin a new website project, no doubt, you have big dreams and ideas for what it can be. Part of my job as a Creative Director is to work with clients before the work begins, to make sure there is alignment between what our clients want, what they are willing...

How Long Does It Take to Build a Website?

Every time we begin a new website project, I send the client our new project questionnaire. This questionnaire has been instrumental on getting projects started on time and on the right foot. But after these started to go out, I noticed a trend in one of the...

Will Blind People Be Able to Use My Website?

One of the biggest shifts in the digital world recently comes in the area of accessibility. More and more companies are going out of their way (and rightly so) to cater to those who are unable to interact in the same way as others. To be honest, my team and I arrived...