The blog: A place to share your ideas

Marketing & Writing

It seems as though “gone are the days” when there was a de facto place where people knew they could find your ideas online. 

First, it was the email newsletter. Then the weblog. Then Twitter. Then, somewhat, Youtube. Today, though, there is any number of places where you can have influence:

  • Blog
  • Podcast
  • Email
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • etc. 

Having done some version of each of the above (and still continuing to, in some contexts), I am personally finding my return to regular blogging quite eye-opening. 

Not in the sense that it provided anything new. Actually, it is providing some old. Very old. It provides room to think clearly through ideas, uninterrupted by flashiness, abrupt cuts, or visual distractions. 

It provides more than 280 characters. 

Is the 280 useful? Yeah, it has its place. But the mere existence of Twitter threads proves that ideas often need more space to breathe. How many Twitter posts are just excerpts from a blog anyway? Quite a few. 

You should decide what feels right for you. But if you’re going to be sharing your ideas online, I think there’s a great case for bringing back the blog as the “obvious” place.

“Oh, Steve shares ideas online? What’s his blog?” 

That’s the mindset I am trying to get into. As I think more about “reverting” to Web 1.0, this will play a huge role. There ought to be a primary place where people come to you for ideas. 

If you have an inclination toward writing at all, choose a blog. The main reason is: Writing is hard. Good writing is hard. And people know the difference. 

In a world where anyone can jump on Facebook live,, or YouTube and speak, not everyone is clear enough to express their ideas in a written way. This will set you apart in 2022 (and probably beyond, to be honest).  

Jun 7, 2022

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