REAL “Content Marketing”

In business, there is no buzzier buzzphrase than “content marketing.” The ink spilled on this concept would fill the oceans. The problem is, most of it is empty. It’s not real content. What is “content” anyway? When most think of content on the Internet, I believe...

You are a whole person

As I’ve been posting more on social media, I’m reminded of my own fragility a bit. We always want to share the best parts. But in my experience, that’s not how you connect with people. People just want somebody else to be real for once, ya know? That’s part of my...

The need for medium-form writing

Big Tech has wired our brains to be dependent upon them for a dopamine hit every few minutes. Slow down and let that sink in. If you’re reading this post, to some degree, you are a product that has been created by these companies in order to sell to their advertisers....

The Market Determines the Marketing

This is easily the most concrete and underrated truth of business. If you spend any time trying to “market” your business—whether you sell products or services—without a deep understanding of who your customer is, you’re wasting time and money. Even without a “deep”...

The best marketing book I’ve read?

Let’s be real — I’ve read a bunch of books on marketing and business growth. Chances are, if it’s out there, I’ve either already read it or chose not to because it looks so similar to something else. I’m a big fan of the work of Donald Miller and Russell Brunson when...