Everybody everywhere is looking for a shortcut. That one silver bullet that finally takes off. In my experience, there are three kinds of people in the world when it comes to achievement. The Sharpshooter — this person believes that success can truly be achieved at...
There’s nothing worse than feeling like you have to push something. In life, there are times when the universe seems to be working against you. Nothing goes right. There’s friction. Tension. And no matter what you do to overcome it, it feels like running through one...
Most of us grew up learning the lesson, “It is better to give than to receive.” It’s true. This line comes from the Bible; the word “better” actually is something like more blessed, which carries the meaning of “Happy Making.” (Language c/o of Randy Alcorn). More...
I’m always intrigued to find when I have adopted separate beliefs, usually from different places, that are seemingly in conflict. We’ve all heard the adage, “Do or do not. There is no try.” (Thanks, Yoda.) I think the miniature green Jedi is absolutely correct. When...
One of the very hardest questions to answer in business is, “When should I give up?” As it relates to marketing especially, you want to/need to “endure long enough to get noticed.” At the same time, maybe you’re not getting noticed because whatever you’re trying to do...
I have a motto: The best kind of client pays you every month, forever… In the world of digital marketing and online business, there are a lot of “hypesters and hucksters.” Unfortunately, many of them talk about making “easy money” and...