Calm is not the enemy of drive

I love it when my thinking is stretched. It might sound odd, but experiencing conflicting ideas is exciting to me because I know that’s when a new, better idea is about to emerge that not only resolves the tension but creates a flurry of new thinking and...

Joy or Toil: You Get to Choose

You’ve heard it said, “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” I think this is true. But it doesn’t tell you enough. I think something like this is more accurate: The destination never comes; what matters is the kind of journey you’re on. I’ve...

Noticing > consuming

With age comes wisdom, so they say. And the older I get, the more I realize that what people say is not what’s most important. It’s what they do. I don’t mean this in the “do as I say, not what I do” way—actually, that’s really good advice sometimes because if you are...

The basic rules of business

Supply and demand Who determines what Spend less than you make Build recurring revenue Choose what you compete on Share everything you can Make amazing products Let customers do the talking Spotlight the transformation Charge a fair price You have to make a profit...
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