Design is for Overcoming Obstacles

People sometimes find it shocking that I’m not personally passionate about design, seeing that the primary source of my income is web design. In fact, if I had to make a guess, design is the area in which I’m the least skilled when it comes to my business, which is...

Less content, more content

Endless consumption of content can only take you so far. I think it’s good for helping get a grasp on what people think and believe about a domain, but once you’ve taken in a sufficient amount, you need to step back and form some of your own opinions. This is a lesson...

REAL “Content Marketing”

In business, there is no buzzier buzzphrase than “content marketing.” The ink spilled on this concept would fill the oceans. The problem is, most of it is empty. It’s not real content. What is “content” anyway? When most think of content on the Internet, I believe...