Wait and see

It was an absolute tragedy. They had finally found true love. Their life was about to start. It wasn’t supposed to end. And it didn’t. But it did change dramatically. That’s what happened when Delilah found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. An event—a...

Does work / life balance exist?

Read a few books about intentional living or productivity and you’ll encounter some version of this question. FWIW, my favorite way I’ve heard this framed out is “work/life integration.” Balance is nearly impossible because you will always go through seasons of...

Let God Decide Your Ministry

There are many things I love about Eufola Baptist Church. I could go on and on. But there’s also something about when the Lord directs you to a place that makes it extra special. It was around 2014 that I felt called to preach. At the time, I didn’t know...

Do it with eyes wide open

I respect the heck out of anyone who provides for their family. Work is important. It is not a “four-letter word.” God designed it for a purpose. It is good—very good, even. But it is possible to be so consumed by it that it robs you of experiencing the good life....

Content is for Using, not Abusing

I’m addicted to food. There, I said it. I really love to eat. Especially pizza and delicious bread. As you might imagine, I have some weight to lose due to my addiction. The addiction is crippling sometimes. It makes me feel depressed, like I’ll never make progress,...

The Power of Being Intentionally 90%

I’m surrounded by perfectionists. Seriously — many people I work closely with are so good at the details and barely let anything slide. It drives me nuts. Of course, they probably look at me and think, “Wow, he doesn’t really care about doing a great job.” When the...