by Steve Schramm | Jun 11, 2022 | Marketing & Writing
Sales is not really a mystery. It is the art and science of making something someone wants or needs, and making it available to them.Easy, right?Well, simple. Not necessarily easy. Many overcomplicate the process of simply creating an offer and making it available for...
by Steve Schramm | Jun 8, 2022 | Business & Strategy
One of the most nerve-racking parts of the human experience is upsetting the status quo. When things are “normal,” it feels good. Less stress. Less pressure. The ability the plan. It makes a big difference in how you approach your time. But sometimes,...
by Steve Schramm | Jun 7, 2022 | Marketing & Writing
It seems as though “gone are the days” when there was a de facto place where people knew they could find your ideas online. First, it was the email newsletter. Then the weblog. Then Twitter. Then, somewhat, Youtube. Today, though, there is any number of places...
by Steve Schramm | Jun 6, 2022 | Business & Strategy
In life and business, there is no shortage of problems. As a matter of fact, much of running a business comes down to how well you solve problems. Technicians get paid for output. Thinkers — problem-solvers — get paid for input, and that level of contribution is...
by Steve Schramm | Jun 2, 2022 | Marketing & Writing
There is a seismic shift happening in today’s marketing scene. Some expected it. Others are being blindsided. Some knew it was coming, but not to this extent. I find myself in the final category. It knew it was coming, but there were a couple of things I was not...