On Trying Something New

So, I had a wild hair. This happens from time to time. Entrepreneurs deal with this often. Literally today, I tweeted out: The Entrepreneurs Prayer: God grant me the serenity to not turn my new hobby into a business. What’s the wild hair?  I decided that I would...

When you know, you can act

A strange thing about humans is the idea of denial. I know people terrified of going to the doctor when they have a problem, but until they end up going, the problem will never be resolved.  The same is true in matters less serious, though.  A couple of...

Does Jesus Belong in Business?

I want to explore something here, very much “thinking out loud.” Perhaps you’d consider commenting below and joining the conversation?  The issue is a tension that I see:  I am an unashamed Christian. I do public Christian ministry. I have an entire podcast...