Hey, I’m Steve.
I’m a Christian, entrepreneur, thinker, and creator. Thanks so much for stopping by!
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Avoiding Scope Creep in Web Design Projects
When you begin a new website project, no doubt, you have big dreams and ideas for what it can be. Part of my job as a Creative Director is to work with clients before the work begins, to make sure there is alignment between what our clients want, what they are willing...
What to do when you’re crippled by opportunity
We live in a blessed time, for sure. Absolute “nobodies” can create a social media account, YouTube channel, podcast, or blog, and start talking about anything and everything before a global audience. Most business opportunities can be started without so much as a...
Don’t Hit Goals—Build Habits
One of the best insights I’ve ever received (H/T Jason Fried) is that goals are, quite often, meaningless. We set arbitrary goals, and one of two things happens: We hit the goal, then set a new one immediately. We fall short of the goal, and beat ourselves up. This is...
How Long Does It Take to Build a Website?
Every time we begin a new website project, I send the client our new project questionnaire. This questionnaire has been instrumental on getting projects started on time and on the right foot. But after these started to go out, I noticed a trend in one of the...
3 Massive Reasons You Shouldn’t Trust Cheap Web Designers
My first foray into website design was around 2007-2008. I was very young, very naive, and had no idea how to charge for a website. I know that back in those days, we charged around $400 for a site. What I did not realize is that some were charging $40,000 or even...
Progress is success, but trying is failure
I’m always intrigued to find when I have adopted separate beliefs, usually from different places, that are seemingly in conflict. We’ve all heard the adage, “Do or do not. There is no try.” (Thanks, Yoda.) I think the miniature green Jedi is absolutely correct. When...
Why simple things are often the hardest—and most effective—thing to do
Humans love a good challenge. I believe that is built into us. From the very beginning of creation, God tasked humans with subduing and filling the earth. Built into our psyche are the concepts of conquest, discovery, and overcoming adversity. This is, I think, why...
The difference between endurance and stupidity
One of the very hardest questions to answer in business is, “When should I give up?” As it relates to marketing especially, you want to/need to “endure long enough to get noticed.” At the same time, maybe you’re not getting noticed because whatever you’re trying to do...
About Me
Hey, I'm Steve — a Christian, entrepreneur, thinker, and creator. Thanks for stopping by!