I was recently invited to speak at the funeral of my friend—and “adopted” dad—Jay. He meant so much to me. Here is what I shared.I’d like to thank the family for this opportunity. I truly consider it the highest honor of my lifetime to speak here and can’t possibly...
This is one of my favorite pieces of marketing wisdom from Jason Fried and DHH. It comes from their book Rework. They did “content marketing” before it was cool — and they hate the term. For them it’s only and always been about sharing. Doing or thinking about...
It was an absolute tragedy. They had finally found true love. Their life was about to start. It wasn’t supposed to end. And it didn’t. But it did change dramatically.That’s what happened when Delilah found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. An event—a...
Patience is one of the most difficult virtues to obtain. Ironic that often patience is a process that, itself, you must be patient to truly learn, understand, and appreciate. But when you finally understand patience, so much else falls into place. It’s like a...
Yesterday, we were privileged to take a rare Monday off and visit the zoo with our best friends. Because I’m a glutton for punishment, I couldn’t help but think about all of the things I noticed they were doing wrong from a business perspective. Now—they’ve been...