Hey, I’m Steve.

I’m a Christian, entrepreneur, thinker, and creator. Thanks so much for stopping by!

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How to Get Comfortable Telling Your Story

It’s not often easy to be vulnerable and open about your background. It’s especially difficult when you are trying to relate something important about your background to teach a lesson for others today.  For this reason, people wishing to be online influencers...

On Trying Something New

So, I had a wild hair. This happens from time to time. Entrepreneurs deal with this often. Literally today, I tweeted out: The Entrepreneurs Prayer: God grant me the serenity to not turn my new hobby into a business. What’s the wild hair?  I decided that I would...

When you know, you can act

A strange thing about humans is the idea of denial. I know people terrified of going to the doctor when they have a problem, but until they end up going, the problem will never be resolved.  The same is true in matters less serious, though.  A couple of...

Does Jesus Belong in Business?

I want to explore something here, very much “thinking out loud." Perhaps you’d consider commenting below and joining the conversation?  The issue is a tension that I see:  I am an unashamed Christian. I do public Christian ministry. I have an entire podcast...

Clients Are Not From Hell (10 Reasons)

Years ago when I first started my web design agency, I listened to podcasts like crazy. I can honestly say that if it were not for podcasting, I would not be here today. I’ve learned many of my most important insights from podcasts.  One that I listened to in the...

Not Everything is Logical

I’m a logical kind of person. If someone tells me something, I am not likely to believe it by default. I will be skeptical. I want to have data, evidence, and logic supporting everything I do.  That said, I have had to come to terms with the fact that not...

About Me

Hey, I'm Steve — a Christian, entrepreneur, thinker, and creator. Thanks for stopping by!

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