The Five Hesitations of an Entrepreneur

When I look back on my experience as an entrepreneur, I find that there is a predictable pattern that rears its ugly head anytime I stop short of achieving something. These “hesitations” are the grinding force that makes you come to a halt. They stand in your way....

Outsource your thinking

I’m a big believer that the more you can free up your brain, the better. It improves your thinking, mood, awareness of things around you, and more. If you follow any of my work, you also know I’m a big fan of outsourcing. But outsourcing is not limited to work you do,...

The best somebodies are nobodies

The more you grow your business and scale your team, the more you quickly learn how much of your success comes from the heroes you place around you rather than being a hero yourself. In fact, you may end up finding that you become heroic to the people on your team...

Doing less filters out the BS

The past few weeks, I’ve been on a rampage towards eliminating things from my life, from negativity to tasks I shouldn’t be doing, and more. Specifically, I have taken Dan Sullivan’s advice to have no more than three important things on my task list to get done in a...